BIO As it comes in my mind with chronological order but no dates or whatsoever.

Born in Lyon, France after a difficult birth that almost turned into a catastrophe, with my father being asked to choose between me and my mom. Fortunately, we both survived.

I had a happy childhood between the Lyon suburbs and the countryside. There was endless boredom in school, adventures in nature, and reading.  My father taught me the basics of photography when I was 7, later a book by Jean-Lou Sieff gave me one of the first and most powerful artistic emotions of my life.

I studied chemistry (I still wonder why) but changed soon after to art history which I studied for 3 years. My father and I created a hardware company (a kind of Home Depot) and after years of intense work it became a real success.

My many years of shooting resulted in my work becoming something unique. I knew I needed to spend more time working on it so my father and I decided to sell the company. That allowed him to retire and I could become a full time photographer.

During this period I met a wonderful woman from New York, a beautiful, smart, and talented jazz musician ( FREE AD!). After years of trips between our countries I came with my backpack to New York to marry her.

The rest is the normal life of a man in love with his wife, passionately taking photographs, reading and cycling in nature.